バイリンガル育児ブログ2020.09.12Rainy Saturdays are tough for us parents🙃 ポスト シェア はてブ 送る Pocket View this post on Instagram Rainy Saturdays are tough for us parents🙃 Kids say “I wanna go out and play!!” “ let’s go somewhere!!” I totally understand the feeling kids. TRUST ME😓 But it is what it is. We can’t change the weather,so mamas and papas, let’s suggest kids some stuff we can do at home by saying…… “Why don’t we play hide and seek?” 「一緒に隠れんぼしょうか?」 “Why don’t you build something cool with LEGO?” 「レゴでいけてる何か作っちゃいなよ😎」 My pumpkin is into drawing some fashion designs recently🥻 So while little pumpkin takin a nap, we decided to do some work together😏👍🏼 Mama #edityoutube pumpkin #designing next to me❤️ If your kiddos are interested in fashion,I recommend you to check this book out!!!#decendents She’s learning the structures of clothes,patterns. It’s pretty cool💛💛💛 チェックしてみてね🥰‼️ Hope everyone’s feeling lazy as I am🤪.ha. #havearelaxingweekend A post shared by バイリンガル リサティー英会話 (@me_the_star_kids) on Sep 11, 2020 at 11:10pm PDT リンク