Hi, it’s Risa.
Snack time, meal time is still leaning process for kids knowing how to eat not dropping those food or crumbs.
So the parents we could tell them this phrase.
♪ding dong♪
Lean forward and eat over the plate.
Lean forward and eat over the plate.
All right so let’s try this in the chants together.
Here we go.
Lean forward and eat over the plate.
Lean forward and eat over the plate.
I usually go over this rule with my girls,
so before we start eating,
they’ll think and know,
“Oh, like I should be careful not dropping the food.”
But anyways it’s weekend,
some people, families might go out and you might go out to the restaurant.
So hopefully you can find this line useful.
Anyways I hope everyone will have a great day.
All right, Good bye.